A handy guide on what Terpenes can be found in Hemp CBD Flower

The organic compounds that give different flowers their unique fragrances are found in cannabis plants as well.

Known as terpenes, these naturally found substances in cannabis are the reason why some strains have a rich earthy smell, whereas others taste and smell like citrus fruits.

If you are considering using hemp cbd flower, it’s important to know what terpenes to look for in the strain. This is because in addition to giving the strain a distinct flavor and aromatic profile, these compounds also have different effects on the mind and body.

Here are the various types of terpenes that you need to know.


Myrcene is the most common and abundant terpene in various cannabis. It has a musky smell and forms up to 50% of the total terpene composition in different plants. Myrcene can be found in mangoes, eucalyptus, lemongrass, basil, thyme and hops to name a few. It has anti-inflammatory properties which make it ideal for use as a pain reliever and muscle relaxer. It also acts as a regulator by enhancing or suppressing the effects of other terpenes and cannabinoids.

Myrcene is a dominant compound in indica strains. When consumed in excess, Myrcene can lead to the ‘couch-lock’ feeling.


Limonene is a citrusy terpene that smells a lot like lemons, limes, oranges, or at times, even grapefruits and mandarins. It is known to improve mood by reducing stress and facilitating the absorption of other beneficial terpenes into the bloodstream. For this reason, limonene is commonly used in topical cannabis drugs, tinctures, skin ointments, and similar medicines.

Limonene has antibacterial properties and is also used in treating gastrointestinal issues like stomach ulcers.


Pinene, as the name suggests, has a pine-like scent. It is the main terpene that is responsible for the typical smell of pine trees. Cannabis that release a forest-like aroma when burnt contain pinene in significant amounts.

Cannabis rich in pinene is good for combating short-term memory loss. It is also used to treat respiratory issues as it helps open up the nasal passages and improves airflow to the lungs.

Pinene is also found in basil, parsley, and orange peel.


Humulene is a common constituent in hops, cloves, coriander, and basil. It is prized for its anti-inflammatory properties. While most strains usually increase appetite, humulene-rich strains suppress hunger and make you feel fuller.


Linalool features a mix of spicy and floral fragrances. It is the main compound that gives lavender its unique scent. Linalool helps combat stress, and is perfect for use in anti-depressants.


Bisabolol has a light, sweet floral aroma and is known to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-irritant effects. Bisabolol can be found commonly in Chamomile.


Caryophyllene is a spicy terpene. It is the only terpene known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (CB2). Caryophyllene has analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, and neuroprotective effects. Commonly found in Cloves, Black Pepper, and Cinnamon.


Ocimene is used in perfumes for its pleasant odor. In nature this terpene acts as part of the plants defenses and possesses antifungal properties. Ocimene can be found in a variety of plants and fruits. It is recognized by its sweet, fragrant, herbaceous, and woodsy aromas. Ocimene occurs naturally in botanicals as diverse as mint, parsley, pepper, basil, mangoes, orchids, kumquats, and of course hemp.


Similar to its cousin, the terpene ocimene, guaiol features a relatively low boiling point of only 198° F (92° C). This means that patients consuming it via the vaporization of cannabis flowers must employ a low temperature setting to gain the maximum benefit from this volatile terpene.

The efficacy conveyed by guaiol is similar to that of other terpenes, with its greatest health benefits being anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial in nature. This powerful terpene is adept at treating conditions as diverse as arthritis, constipation, gout, sore throat, and even syphilis.

Guaiol has a history of being used as a diuretic, meaning it can lower blood pressure. Like many other terpenes and the major cannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it has been shown to exhibit analgesic (pain killing) properties. Guaiol has also been employed for centuries to treat coughing.


Is commonly found in turmeric, quince, and chamomile. It is known for its sweet, woody, and herbal aroma and has shown many therapeutic benefits in recent years. It's also great for soothing the mood with calming and sedative effects. 

Farnesene medical benefits include muscle relaxer, calming and sedative effects, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. Recent studies also suggest that this terpene might even help with tooth decay.

Now that you know the different types of terpenes, make sure to pick the right strain for the desired purpose. If you are using cannabis for treating serious health issues rather than just as a mood enhancer or stress reliever, it’s better to consult a licensed dealer and carry out thorough research before proceeding. This will help you properly understand what’s best for you.