Why Total Cannabinoids Matter and How to Read CBD Labels

Buying CBD products can be a confusing process, especially if you are using it for the first time.

However, it is imperative to know how to read CBD labels. Otherwise, you can end up buying a product that doesn’t yield the desired result, or worse, leads to an adverse effect on your health.

Here is a brief guide to reading CBD labels and what to look for when buying a CBD product. We also discuss the reason why total cannabinoids matter, and why it’s essential to consider the overall product composition rather than just focusing on the CBD content.

How to Read CBD Labels

To understand what a CBD product is used for, you need to be familiar with the following terms:

Full-Spectrum CBD

As the name suggests, full-spectrum CBD means that the product contains all the compounds naturally found in the cannabis plant. This includes THC, the psychoactive compound associated with the ‘high’ feeling that results from the use of cannabis and certain related products.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

This is a THC-free product that contains all the other naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis plant.

Broad-spectrum CBD products are ideal for anyone who wants to use cannabis extracts for health purposes, while avoiding the intoxicating effect of the plant.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate, as is evident by the name, consists of one and only one compound – CBD. It is the purest form of cannabidiol and is completely free of all other types of cannabinoids.

CBD isolate does not have any taste or smell.

Why Total Cannabinoids Matter

Do you only look at the CBD and THC content when choosing a CBD product?

You might be surprised to know that in addition to these two compounds, CBD products can contain more than 100 different types of cannabinoids. Also, they usually consist of other substances called flavonoids and terpenes.

If you have heard of the ‘entourage effect,’ you would know that when combined together, all these plant-based compounds work in tandem with one another to produce a range of health benefits.

Therefore, it’s important to look into other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids present in large quantities in CBD products.

Some of the different types of cannabinoids commonly found in CBD products include:

  • CBG

    • Cannabigerol (CBG) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid which has antibacterial properties. It can slow down bacterial growth and helps in reducing inflammation
  • CBN

    • Cannabinol (CBN) is a mildly intoxicating compound and can have a sedative effect
  • CBC

    • Cannabichromene (CBC) is found in the tropical varieties of cannabis plants. It is known for its antibacterial properties. Also, it is believed to work as a pain reliever, promote bone health, and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells.
  • CBDA

    • Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) is the main constituent in products with a high CBD concentration. CBDA is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

To sum it up, the reason why total cannabinoids matter is because each type of cannabinoid comes with its own health benefits (and at times, side effects as well).

If you want to get the most out of using CBD products, you must make sure that it contains the relevant cannabinoids for the desired benefits.